Last post, I talked about White Weenie – one of the oldest
archetypes in the game’s existence. I decided to continue that trend this week
with another early deck type: WU Control. Just like every WU control deck
before it, this one takes elements of Brian Weissman’s iconic “The Deck”. The
idea is to control the opponent as much as possible, before dropping a win
condition to ride out for the win. I decided to focus on a couple forms of
control via mana denial and some creature control, as certain strategies have
more of an effect on different decks.
Mana denial should be pretty self explanatory, but I’m going
to point it out anyway. Wasteland and Stifle are your two cards here; the
former is a hard answer to non-basic lands and a staple of the format, but the
latter is not. So what is Stifle and why is it being mentioned here? First of
all: Stifle is a very good card that not everyone is aware of – and/or – are not
aware of everything it can do. Think of it as a flexible answer to many things,
some of which include your opponent’s access to mana. No, you can’t counter a
land from producing mana. What you can do however, is counter a fetchland from
finding a target. You can also counter opposing Wastelands, which not only
makes their sacrifice for nothing, but can protect one of your main win
conditions in Mishra’s Factory. I am just scratching the surface on why Stifle
is a great card, but be aware that it can counter a bunch of other effects
(including Storm).
Creature control. This is an all-encompassing term I am
using to describe ways of managing your opponent’s creatures. The obvious form is
via removal, whether that’s by burying them, removing them from the game or
simply by not allowing them to attack you. Heck, Orim’s Chant can also be
included here as it stops your opponent from being able to cast most creatures,
thus buying you time to search for a Moat or a piece of removal. Counterspells
are another form of creature control, as they simply stop creatures from ever
hitting the board. Lastly, Moat can be used to just make a lot of your opponents’
creatures irrelevant.
The win conditions are Serendib Efreet and Mishra’s Factory,
although the Meddling Mages can work in a pinch as well. Efreet is good because
of its low CMC and the fact that it does not die to Bolt. Some people might
think the 1 damage a turn makes the card bad, however, thinking that makes
those players bad. Factory doesn’t really need explaining, as it dodges your
Wrath effects and is awesome. Just make sure you put some thought into casting
your Moat when Factories are on the board.
WU Control
4 Tundra
8 Fetchland
3 Island
2 Plains
4 Mishra’s Factory
4 Wasteland
Total: 25
4 Serendib Efreet
4 Meddling Mage
Total: 8
1 Moat
1 Wrath of God
4 Brainstorm
4 Orim’s Chant
4 Daze
4 Force of Will
1 Misdirection
4 Stifle
4 Swords to Plowshares
Total: 27
4 Tormod’s Crypt
4 Disenchant
4 Abeyance
2 Wrath of God
1 Armageddon