yes, another article on casual decks. How ironic that it rhymes with another
thing people love, eh? Today`s casual deck resulted from some glorious
‘accidental inspiration’. I sort of stumbled upon the idea as I was browsing
old cards, reading about their interactions and going from there. I think doing
this can be really beneficial to brewers - not just for casual players. When
you browse old cards, you discover new ones, thereby creating a catalogue of
information. Seeing a card can in turn flash you back to another/others,
inspiring a deck premise to build upon. But enough about the process(es) of
deck building, let’s jump right into today’s deck: WG Auratog!
of my favourite aspects of Magic the Gathering is the collecting. I really
enjoy finding old rares and trying to figure out how and/or why the designers
deemed the card to warrant its rarity. Take today’s deck for example; which
started with only 1 card – Femeref Enchantress. This is a card that has been on
my radar for some time. Why? Because it obviously has some potential
applications, as it is an engine for enchantment-type card advantage. The
question then becomes how. How do I abuse this to win games?
Enchantress is pretty unique in that it requires enchantments to go to the
graveyard from play. This means that you then require another ‘engine’ to do
so; the more efficient the better. Enter Auratog. In the right deck, the
‘tog is amazing. It’s an engine and a win condition in one! Of course, Rancor
certainly helps.. Being a creature without evasion does make it somewhat
vulnerable however, which is why the deck contains the little-known Avoid Fate.
I chose Avoid Fate instead of an enchantment because it has the advantage of
surprise, and can protect any of your permanents, not just your creatures.
is not a speedy deck that wins right away; it requires time to build a
substantial enchantment-y board presence before going in for the win with
Auratog. While that certainly does not make this a control deck, it does mean
that slowing down the game becomes a factor. 4 copies of Elephant Grass and 4x
Swords to Plowshares are in the deck to help ensure this happens. It is also
important to remember that when you no longer want to pay for Elephant Grass,
you can sac it to Auratog instead.
chose not to include Steely Resolve, but it was removed late into the deck construction.
The reason was because the deck needed some trimming, and the Shroud could
potentially work against the deck. Auratog could sac Resolve when need be, but
that would mean losing one of its sources of protection. In the end, it just
didn’t seem worth the slot(s) in the deck. Perhaps you feel differently though.
I encourage you to try it out and see what you prefer. Happy Brewing!
WG Auratog
4 Savannah
4 Forest
1 Plains
4 Windswept Heaths
3 Fetch lands
4 Wasteland
Total: 20
4 Auratog
4 Femeref Enchantress
4 Argothian Enchantress
Total: 12
4 Rancor
4 Wild Growth
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Elephant Grass
4 Avoid Fate
3 Mirri’s Guile
3 Gaea’s Touch
1 Nature’s Chosen
1 Replenish
Total: 28
4 Orim’s Chant
4 Tormod’s Crypt
3 Naturalize
1 Disenchant
1 Moat
2 Aegis of Honor