So here’s a question: ever hear of a Mono Red deck that seeks to control
the opponent? Other than decks that focus on Blood Moon and/or Land
Destruction, I admit I am not that familiar with any. I think the reason for
that is that people tend to only consider Red as an aggressive colour. Because
of this, the decision to control an opponent with it can be an interesting
endeavour; one that we are going to be undertaking today. So let’s see what we
can brew with Mono Red Control, shall we?
Let’s begin today’s article with an often ignored aspect of the burn
spell – they are not just good in aggro, they’re also great in control. Simple,
right? The smart burn player knows how and when to use their damage dealing
instants/sorceries. Wait, am I suggesting you don’t just burn their stupid smug
face again and again to utterly crush them and earn the respect of the father
who left you? Why yes I am! Ahem. Anyway, let’s get back on topic - how to
control your opponent using those aforementioned burners. Because the colour
does not really offer any conventional form of card drawing advantage, you want
to be efficient with the spells that you have. In other words: decide which
creatures don’t pose a threat, and focus on those that can or do.
Artifacts. Despite Red’s seeming hatred of them, artifacts are a great
way to plug the holes in the colour’s arsenal. Some great examples are
Ensnaring Bridge and Mana Web – both cards allow amazing ways to stop your
opponent in their tracks. The aforementioned rationing of your burn spells (+
Bridge), along with their utility, can also help ensure who and what get to
attack, along with when. Mana Web on the other hand combos amazingly with
Rishadan Port (a great card in its own right), to just stop your opponent from
casting any cardboard. See what I mean? Always consider artifacts in your
Varchild`s War-Riders may just be a 1-of in the deck, but it is a pretty
interesting card that I wanted to talk about. I know that I’ve written about
this before, but Wizards really were a clever bunch back in the day. Did you take
a look at the card? No problem, as I am pretty certain you don’t know what it
does. The cumulative cost of giving your opponent an army of 1/1 blockers is
negated by its trample and rampage 1. Normally I would consider this an aggro
creature because you don’t want it to stay around creating an army for your
opponent. I put it in as a 1-of for the late game however, because it deals
decent damage and is Bolt-proof. The inclusion of Goblin Sharpshooter also
helps negate those pesky 1/1s War-Riders creates, along with any others the
opponent might cast.
I’ve written about the Brawler creatures in the past, so I won’t delve
too deeply into them here. I am going to reiterate however that I think they
are good as both aggro and/or control because of the decisions they create for
your opponent. Does your opponent stall the their board to stop the Brawlers
from attacking, or do they spend their mana and leave themselves open to your creatures?
Mono Red Control
8 Mountain
4 Ancient Tomb
4 Rishadan Port
4 Wasteland
Total: 20
4 Barbed Brawlers
4 Veteran Brawlers
4 Flametongue Kavu
2 Goblin Sharpshooter
1 Varchild’s War-Riders
Total: 15
3 Mana Web
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Chain Lightning
2 Fireblast
2 Fire // Ice
4 Mox Diamond
4 Pillage
3 Ruination
3 Ensnaring Bridge
Total: 28
4 Tormod’s Crypt
2 Red Elemental Blast
1 Pyroblast
2 Pyroclasm
1 Pyrokinesis
4 Defense Grid
1 Mana Web