Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Mono G Zoo

Welcome to perhaps the least orderly deck on the website. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do when deck building involves deciding what to cut. There are so many valid card choices in Ancient; why should you have to choose?? Today I decided to say screw it, and tried to incorporate some hard decision cards as 2x and singletons. Sound wild? Welcome to the Mono G Zoo!

In a deck with some hard choices, the 4x Scryb Sprites and Treetop Scouts were a pretty easy decision.  Neither one can be blocked by land-bound creatures, which directly correlates to what you want to do. At 1 CMC each, you obviously want to land these T1 so they can start crashing into your opponent. Those little hits can really start to do some damage.

Now obviously 1 damage dudes aren’t going to win the game on their own – you want to make them stronger! When you take a gander at the pump spells, then one might start to understand the main plan (not that it was hard to do..). The only one here that I think might warrant some explanation is Invigorate. Is the +1/+1 really worth not paying the CMC? When you pair it with Berserk then the answer is pretty obvious – darn right!

Another creature I thought might warrant an explanation were the Sylvans. Olle might not really seem like an aggro kinda guy, but he can save a game-winning creature swing when it counts. He can also attract removal attention on his own, since your opponent’s probably don’t want to play around him when the game could be on the line. This was a personal choice, and I could certainly see an argument against them.

There were so many creatures that I had considered, that just didn’t make the cut. Nimble Mongoose might warrant some serious consideration, but I chose not to include them because you can’t pump their damage once they have shroud. I’d also considered creatures such as Wild Dogs and Ghazban Ogre, but decided not to incorporate them as 1x creatures. A play set might be worth consideration, so you may want to think about them. Happy Brewing!

Mono G Zoo


1 Pendelhaven
12 Forest
4 Mishra’s Factory
4 Wasteland

Total: 21


4 Scryb Sprites
4 Treetop Scout
1 Jungle Lion
1 Mtenda Lion
4 Werebear
1 Mossdog
4 Rogue Elephant
2 Sylvan Safekeeper
1 Skyshroud Elite
1 Stampede Driver
1 Basking Rootwalla
1 Patron of the Wild

Total: 25


4 Berserk
4 Giant Growth
2 Invigorate
4 Rancor

Total: 14


1 Overrun
4 Desert Twister
2 Whirling Dervish
2 Wild Mongrels
4 Tormod’s Crypt
2 Naturalie