Not that long ago, I wrote about a deck that is not fun to
play against. Guess what; today, we are going to be talking about another one.
It’s fun to read about though, so don’t stop reading! Alright then, let’s get
the awkward intro out of the way so we can dive into the deck. What can cause
an opponent to simply not want to play against you? When most of the game
involves them just watching you play. Any time this happens, we can refer to it
as living the [UB] Dream Halls.
Let’s get started. There are two things you want to do with
this deck – 1. get the engine out and 2. then get it going. The engine in this
instance is the namesake of the deck: Dream Halls. To do this, it is important
to incorporate mana ramp, so you can get Halls out ASAP. Sol lands and Lotus
Petals are great ways to do so; the latter also being of use in later rounds. The
other aspect of getting the engine out is collecting the combo pieces. The deck
contains lots of cantrips and tutors in order to find both the ramp and the
centerpiece of the deck, and their importance cannot be stressed enough.
The main thing you want to do once the engine is out is get
it running. Since this is a Storm deck, that means drawing and casting spells
to a critical mass before destroying your opponent; in this case via Tendrils
of Agony. Because the deck mostly contains Blue spells, once Dream Halls hits
the board it should be very easy to cast all the spells that you want and win
the game.
Mana Severance. Admittedly, despite containing two copies of
the card, this was the one that came closest to being cut. While it can certainly
help you minimize on dead draws once you get going, the fact is that with Dream
Halls out you shouldn’t lose anyway. I had debated switching them out for two
Omen, but decided to leave it in anyway because it’s a pretty unique card that
has its uses, and also as a sort of nod to Zvi’s first incarnation of the deck.
Mono Blue. When I began writing about the deck, it was
originally going to be just one colour. Had that been the case, I probably
would have just used Brain Freeze as the win condition. To be honest, this
might be the correct route to go since a mono coloured deck has obvious
advantages with Dream Halls. However, I find the main problem with Brain Freeze is that
Gaea’s Blessing can really ruin your plan. As always, I encourage you to tinker
and see what works best for you. Happy Brewing!
UB Dream Halls
4 Underground Sea
3 Island
4 Ancient Tomb
3 City of Traitors
7 Fetchlands
Total: 21
Total: 0
4 Dream Halls
4 Lotus Petal
4 Brainstorm
4 Impulse
1 Omen
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Force of Will
4 Meditate
1 Future Sight
3 Intuition
4 Tendrils of Agony
2 Mana Severance
Total: 39
4 Tormod’s Crypt
4 Counterspell
4 Duress
1 Pyroblast
2 Chain of Vapor