Thursday, 8 November 2018

Show Some Humility Please

Hey everyone, today we are going to be looking at a deck where ‘complicated’ becomes your ally. With the linchpin being known as a judge’s nightmare, today’s cards look to use that to your advantage and have your opponent cry as their giant army gets reduced to ants. Yes indeed, today’s deck might just have you shouting – Show Some Humility, Please.

Now it may seem obvious, but we should probably take a look at SSHP’s namesake card – Humility. What’s that thing do? Go read/re-read/ponder the card and its presence once it hits the board. I don’t even really understand its nuances – but what I DO know is that manlands don’t shrink. Oh, and your Meddlers do their thing provided they are played post-enchantment. Are there other aspects you should know? Yeah probably, but I wouldn’t know which to mention.

The man lands should seem pretty obvious, but I do want to point your attention to Kjeldoran Outpost. This was once a power house card in MtG, and despite its Wasteland-target ass, the card can be really awesome. This is particularly true when creatures tend to be 1/1, and you have a land that gives you a 1/1 army to destroy your opponent.

It seems as though the 1x card choices in a deck are the interesting ones, so I thought I’d explain the Vapor. Essentially, the card acts as both Hum-protection and possible threat/nuisance removal should you want it. It’s also worth noting that should you play it on your own card, you can sac a land (recommend non-manlands) and bounce other cards as well. Pretty sweet, eh? SSHP has some neat plays when you learn how it works.

The decision to go with Teferi’s Moat rather than the original [Moat] were because its only works against the opponent. With SSHP using so many manlands/creatures that can’t levitate their asses over Moat, it seemed prudent to try and rely on just your Conclaves to win the game on their own. It got relegated to the side board in this version, but putting it in the main deck certainly has its validity. Happy Brewing!

Show Some Humility Please


4 Mishra’s Factory
4 Tundra
4 Plateau
4 Faerie Conclave
4 Ghitu Encampment
1 Kjeldoran Outpost
4 Wasteland

Total: 25


4 Meddling Mage

Total: 4


4 Humility
4 Fire // Ice
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Chain of Vapor
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Brainstorm
4 Counterspell
1 Replenish
1 Wrath of God
4 Force of Will

Total: 31


1 Teferi’s Moat
4 Tormod’s Crypt
2 Pyroblast
2 Red Elemental Blast
2 Pyroclasm
1 Aegis of Honor
1 Misdirection
2 Disenchant

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